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Tosa Cares

Updated: Oct 20, 2020

Want to take your children trick-or-treating in a safe, fun environment while donating to a good cause? Come join us at our 4th Annual Trunk or Treat Event! Decorate the back of your car’s trunk with any theme (family appropriate), wear costumes and bring Halloween candy to pass out to those that come to see your decked-out trunk! If you don’t feel like participating, feel free to still bring your kids to trick-or-treat to all the car trunks. There will be Food Trucks and a few activities for children to do as well. This event does not cost anything; we just ask when you come you bring a non-perishable “treat” as a donation for the Tosa Cares Food Pantry.

Those interested in participating in decorating their trunks and handing out

candy may register online at using activity #154300-00. (Only one family member need register.)

Please register your car/truck by October 11th!

You may call (414) 773-2900 with any questions.

Tosa Cares

Your support enables us to do more.

Tosa Cares is highly appreciative of donations from our supporters. We are in need of both food, personal care items, and monetary donations during the whole year. Your donations go directly to helping families in need right here in your community. If you would like to make a monetary donation online, donations may now be made through PayPal. You can donate through PayPal using your credit card, debit card, or PayPal account. This is a secure way to give using all major credit cards.

Tosa Cares, Inc is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Your cash donation is fully tax-deductible.

Other ways you can help!

Please help us spread the word and stay tuned through social media.

Tosa Cares

This year Tosa Cares received over 8,000 lbs of food and nearly $1,000 in cash donations at the Canadian Pacific Holiday Train's annual stop in Wauwatosa. In what is becoming a tradition, each year a team from Harley Davidson spends a day at the Tosa Cares headquarters to assist with sorting and packing the mountain of donations collected at the Holiday Train food drive.

We are grateful for the Harley Davidson team for donating their time and caring about hunger in our community!

If your organization or business would like to volunteer at Tosa Cares at any time during the year please get in touch.

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Tosa Cares, Inc

12012 W. North Ave
Wauwatosa, WI  53226

Copyright © 2024 Tosa Cares. All Rights Reserved. 

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