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Tosa Cares

Updated: Aug 10, 2020

UPDATE: donation matching is now complete. We reached $7,000! Please consider making a donation using the link below but note the matching promotion is now over.

How can I help?

During this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, large gatherings are discouraged, community events have been cancelled and many of the typical ways to collect food and financial gifts for Tosa Cares have disappeared. Cash donations are more important than ever for the continued operation of our pantry.

Answer a challenge…

Please consider making a cash donation using the PayPal link below between June 1st and June 15th and the Tosa Fest committee will match these donations with a gift up to $5,000.

A check may also be sent to: Tosa Cares, Inc.

12012 W North Avenue

Wauwatosa, WI 53226

What a great way for your gift to be doubled and its impact magnified.

Other News

Product donations may now be dropped off on Saturdays from 10-11am and Wednesdays from 1-2pm at the Tosa Cares location. Use the parking lot off 120th Street and place your donations on the donation cart located outside by the Tosa Cares lawn sign.

Suggested items: cans of vegetables, fruit (no sugar added), tuna, chicken, other protein, pasta, rice, jelly, cereal, healthy snacks, and personal care products like soap, toothpaste, diapers, tissue, depends, wipes and cleaning supplies.

As always, please make sure to check the expiration dates on all donated food items. Tosa Cares has to discard nearly 25% of food donations due to overdue expiration dates.

Tosa Cares

Updated: Feb 3, 2021

On Sunday May 3rd, 2020 Tosa Cares organized a contactless drive-thru food gathering event at Mt Zion. We had 60 cars, 2 firetrucks, 2 strollers, and 2 bikes drive-thru to drop off donations! Thank you to the Tosa FD for dropping off donations and assisting with carrying donations!

May 3rd was such a great success that we're scheduled for another event on Sunday, May 17th. Please help us spread the word about this great opportunity to help those in need in our community!

Details and instructions for contactless drop-off on May 17th

Please bring your food donations to Mt Zion, 12012 W North Ave, Wauwatosa.

Stay Safe: Drive up, leave your box on the tables outside, drive away.

Tosa Cares

Updated: Mar 29, 2020

April 25th distribution event: CANCELLED.

Due to the spread of COVID-19 and social distancing measures, our April 24th-April 25th distribution event is cancelled. No food will be distributed at that time. Mt. Zion Lutheran Church is closed. Instead, food will be distributed by drive-thru only on other days. Due to the logistics of organizing such an event, appointments will be required.

Please call, text, or email to leave a message to schedule a food pick up. Appointments will be scheduled over several weeks. We will be happy to provide your household with a food box.


Call: (414) 258-0456 x 410 

Call or text: (414) 861-4725


Day of your food pick up appointment:

1. Arrive at scheduled time.

2. Drive up to the NW part of the Mt. Zion building by the pantry door. A Tosa Cares sign will indicate the place.

3. Your food box will be brought by cart to your vehicle.

4. You will be responsible for moving your box to your vehicle, cart, or wagon.

5. Follow current "social distancing" guidelines – please, no handshakes or hugs at this time.



It is difficult for Tosa Cares to accept donated items at this time. Cash donations are more important for the continued operation of our pantry than ever. Please consider making a cash donation using the PayPal link on our donations page or donate using the PayPal link below.

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Tosa Cares, Inc

12012 W. North Ave
Wauwatosa, WI  53226

Copyright © 2024 Tosa Cares. All Rights Reserved. 

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